• January 2012
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Steve Chabot – Does he get it?

On Monday I attended the Northwest Side Tea Party meeting to listen to what Steve Chabot had to say about his last year in congress. I was fully expecting to hear that he was engaged in drafting or supporting legislation that would protect our freedoms and liberties as well as keep us on a path to recovery. I guess I must have been dreaming.
The sad truth is that he had more to say about how the republicans are having such a hard time getting bills past the democrats in the Senate. He complained about Harry Reid and how his agenda was in the way of the house republicans’ efforts. He told us all that the media will not publish or comment on their press releases. Another excuse was that the media is focused on the republican candidates as they all tear each other apart. His excuses fell upon unsympathetic ears.

We need and deserve a strong representative in Congress. Steve Chabot is not that person.  Comments from the audience were more on the hostile side than friendly, and rightfully so. Congressman Chabot heard complaints about his voting record and his inability to get the message out to the people about what he is doing in Washington.

I asked him about the campaign signs I saw all over town in the fall of 2010 with his name and the slogan “Stop the Spending” and why the GOP led house has increased our national debt in just the last ten months, over $1 trillion in new spending. Again his excuse was that the White House and the Senate has blocked their efforts to get things done.  I agree that they have some high hurdles, but our economy, security and freedoms are riding on their efforts which are falling far short of expectations.

I told him that they need to stop letting the press be their mouthpiece by using press releases and go to the news media themselves and give their own time with an interview so that they can report first hand about the direction our country needs to go. I’m sure any local station in town would jump at the chance to have their congressional rep. as the headliner on the 6 pm news.

The stakes are to high and time is running out (if you consider what this country has become in the past several years) for our elected officials to conduct their business as they have done in the past.

The game is changing, and changing fast.  Is Steve Chabot up to the task?  Does he get it?

Please contact Steve Chabot with your thoughts:

Congressman Steve Chabot (OH-01)

2351 Rayburn House Office Building

Office: 202-225-2216
